Thesis supervised

"Boys and Girls can do the same things and have the same preferences": The relevance of primary prevention of violence in children from 5 to 11 years old

The study of Ana Teresa Dias, through this dissertation, is the result of the internship accomplished for the achievement of the master’s degree in Sciences of Education. In this way, pretends to describe and to reflect the internship course developed at UMAR (Association of Women and Alternative and Answer) at Art’Themis Project, a project of promotion of gender equality and prevention of violence, covering the ages between 5 to 11 years old. Knowing that in pre-school ages the children already learn to distinguish the different social roles ascribed to the feminine and masculine sex, this project allowed the deconstruction of the existing stereotypes, influencing the personal and academic life of the participants involved. 
With a participative methodology, where children can give their opinion based on their life stories, so they can take the leading role in their processes of change. So, this project enabled to work and to construct with the children attitudes, behaviours, values and practices of participatory citizenship, to be able to grow without constrains set by gender roles. 

Dias, Ana Teresa (2015 Rapazes e Raparigas podem fazer a mesma coisa e terem os mesmos gostos”: A importância da prevenção primária da violência em crianças dos 5 aos 11 anos, Dissertação de Mestrado, FPCEUP, Porto.  

Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence: an Educational Problematic in Local Development

Ana Margarida Teixeira developed her dissertation in the project Art´Themis – Jovens Protagonistas na Prevenção e Igualdade de Género, promoted by UMAR – União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta, which consists of a primary prevention project in schools in the districts of Oporto, Coimbra and Braga. The objective of this project is to sensitize and raise awareness in children and youth people on gender stereotyped conceptions present in Portuguese society, which is patriarchal, sexist and homophobic. Thus, this project contributes to the development of the participants in their personal, social and academic path, developing an education for citizenship.
This study also reflects new emerging issues on gender equality problematic in the field of local development, because you cannot forget that this problem is always present, even often being invisible to the eyes of the community. 

Teixeira, Ana Margarida (2015) Igualdade de Género e Prevenção da Violência: Uma problemática educacional no desenvolvimento local, Dissertação de Mestrado, FPCEUP, Porto.

Femicide in Portuguese Press

"Death foretold narratives – linking domestic violence, the press and gender issues to citizenship education. With this thesis we claim for an analytical knowledge production on the ways the press deals with uxoricide. This being the opportunity to reveal how it incorporates the social messages and social agency in society, and mainly in the children and in the youth minds, data were collected from a daily newspaper in order to investigate the understanding from the press of gender and power relations, women´s citizenship and the common sense about domestic violence, specially on women and children. The thesis ultimately tries to understand the ambiguities that result from particular instances of discourse that people’s utterances follow, when they take part in different domains of social life, and in this case being the media discourse as a social practice."

Coimbra, Artemisa (2007) "Crónicas de Mortes Anunciadas: Violência Doméstica, Imprensa e Questões de Género em Articulação com a Educação da Cidadania", Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, FPCEUP, sob orientação de Maria José Magalhães.

The role of educational professionals in prevention of child maltreatment

"By means of the poor preparation demonstrated by the educational professionals to detect and to intervene in infantile maltreatment situations, both through the questionnaires as well as through the training modules that were developed, it becomes essential the conceptualization of a pedagogical plan of training in the awareness for the problem so they can be able to respond to this social phenomenon." 

Fernandes, Débora Fabiana Nunes (2008) "O papel dos profissionais de educação na prevenção, deteção e intervenção dos maus tratos infantis", Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, FPCEUP, sob orientação de Maria José Magalhães.

Prevention of gender violence in schools

In this master thesis Anabela Lemos had as methodological basis, the draft for Violence Prevention in Schools from UMAR and its theoretical and methodological foundation served as a lever to make the collection of empirical material that drove between questionnaire surveys by the parents and teachers and interviews to the projects leaders or voluntaries and teachers who participated in the project.

The author also carried out interviews and questionnaires which results show the different dimensions of prevention, as well as the necessity from training as a prerequisite for the prevention in a formal educational context, the importance of conceptions of violence to the preventive work and the establishment of multidisciplinary teams and the fact that effective prevention is proportional to the durability and consistency of work with the group-class.

It is also discussed the possible role of educators as mentors of curriculum and educational projects to prevent violence in schools, as well as the Art, as a form of creation, that can be a vehicle for internalization of concepts and topics.

Foto: Carolina Magalhães Dias, 2014, série Galiza

Lemos, Anabela de Magalhães (2008) "Por uma escola que previne: Uma abordagem e reflexão de um projecto educativo de prevenção da violência de género nas escolas", Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, Porto: FPCEUP, sob orientação de Maria José Magalhães

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